SpaceWatchGL Opinion: India and US have signed a Space Situational Awareness Agreement: So, What?
April 29, 2022 Arpit Chaturvedi, Abhinandan Khajuria
Cooperation in the spheres of defense, intelligence, and trade is a useful indicator of geopolitical alignments. If this statement is true, then the cooperation in emerging subsectors of the same gives a much clearer picture of how the geopolitical alignments will...
Russia-Ukraine Conflict: A Moscow-Beijing Axis in the Making
April 29, 2022 Arpit Chaturvedi, Ameya Joshi
A joint statement on 4th February 2022 between the Russian and Chinese presidents mentioned the strategic partnership between the two nations as being one “with no limits”. This has raised fears of the emergence of a two-front Moscow-Beijing Axis...
Gintarė Narkevičiūtė, Russian aggression, politicians in Ukraine, NATO and the European Union
April 18, 2022 Gintarė Narkevičiūtė
Mr. Arpit Chaturvedi's Interview by Russia TV on India's position in Russia-Ukraine War
April 14, 2022
Arpit Chaturvedi, CEO Global Policy Insights Interviewed on Russia TV on India-US 2+2 Interministerial Meetings and the Russia-Ukraine War
Why Stronger NATO and QUAD Relations is the Need of the Hour After the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Sep 23, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
The reason why the US’s prestige is hurt with the withdrawal from Afghanistan is not because of serious questioning of its ability to retaliate effectively when attacked. Rather the reason is that the world now knows that there is a deficit of will in the American establishment and that it will not put boots on the ground or commit substantially to geopolitical entanglements far from home, until and unless its own security is directly and seriously under threat.
The Strategic Quad Forum Launch Event Keynote by Prof. Tomohiko Taniguchi (Japan), Q & A by Amb. Vishnu Prakash (India) and Opening Address by Amb. Thomas Armbruster (USA).
Sep 14, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
An assertive China is "a very dangerous presence" and has brought members of Quad together, a foreign affairs expert from Japan said on Saturday while noting that the United States and China
QUAD and the Indo-Pacific: The geopolitical move of the decade
Sep 14, 2021 Jasmine Mehta
Thirst for resources, territorial acquisitions and consequential disputes have historically resulted in armed conflicts and wars worldwide. Territorial claims transitioned from the West to Asia by the end of the 19th Century (Frederick, Hensel and Macaulay 2017).
Dr. Shukla | Indo-Pacific has been India’s age-old reality
Sep 14, 2021 Dr. Shashank Shukla
India was the centerpiece in the great game between the Russian empire and the British empire with the theatre of operations extending from the shores of Africa to the shores of China
Dr. Satoru Nagao | 'Quad's Relevance To Indo-Pacific Security Order In The Post Pandemic World'
Sep 14, 2021 Dr. Satoru Nagao
Dr. Nagao on 1st QUAD Summit Commences | Leaders To Form Anti-China Coalition
Sep 14, 2021 Dr. Satoru Nagao
Dr. Satoru Nagao|Special Broadcast | First Quad Leaders’Summit: Towards a free, open & inclusive In
Sep 14, 2021 Dr. Satoru Nagao
Dr. Shukla | Indo-Pacific has been India’s age-old reality
July 23, 2021 Dr. Shashank Shukla
As the balance of power shifts from the “Global West” to the “Global South” i.e. from United States to China, the global governance institutions underpinning the international system based on principles of multilateralism, seem to be under severe stress. However, as the era of US dominance gradually recedes, China is not ready to pick up the mantle just yet
The Folly of Building Impenetrable Fortresses and Great Walls
Sep 14, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
Golconda fort is one of the most impregnable forts from a design point of view. Located in Hyderabad in southern India, it was the capital of the Qutb Shahi dynasty in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It was built by the Kakatiya rulers of the Deccan in the twelfth century, and has housed the Bahamani kingdom in the fourteenth century as well.
Sri Lanka needs a National AI strategy – not to rule the world but for inclusive growth
July 23, 2021 Uday Nagaraju
Russian President Vladimir Putin has asserted that future AI leader would rule the world. Whilst the need and possibility to rule the world are debatable, AI can be a game-changer to advance global development goals.
The Prospects and Future of the Quadrilateral Security Grouping
July 23, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
'The Prospects and Future of the Quadrilateral Security Grouping' was a session recorded from the Amplifying Her Voice: Stronger Together summit which took place June 22 - 24, 2021.
Emerging Markets in India and the UAE
July 23, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
'Emerging Markets in India and the UAE' was a session recorded from the Amplifying Her Voice: Stronger Together summit which took place June 22 - 24, 2021.
Dream Big! Space 4 All!
July 23, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
Dream Big! Space 4 All!' was a session recorded from the Amplifying Her Voice: Stronger Together summit which took place June 22 - 24, 2021.
Investing in Space for Humanity
July 23, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
'Investing in Space for Humanity' was a session recorded from the Amplifying Her Voice: Stronger Together summit which took place June 22 - 24, 2021.
How Biden's Withdrawal Impacts India's Stake in Afghanistan
July 13, 2021 Abhinav Pandya
Over the last two decades, New Delhi earned tremendous goodwill in Afghanistan by making massive investments in economic development, reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance. However, India’s goodwill rests on the fact that India never put its troops on the ground. Instead, India chose to rely on the continued presence of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment to take care of the overall security situation. Hence, no significant efforts were made to cultivate proxies, establish intelligence networks, or communication channels with the Taliban.
Models of Public Service Delivery for the Homeless in India: A Comparative Analysis and an Agenda for the Future
March 3, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi
As per the 2011 census, 1.77 million people in India are experiencing homelessness – 0.15% of the total Indian population. If those experiencing homelessness in India had a state of their own, it would be the 26th most populous state in the country – with a population greater than Goa, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Sikkim
The Folly of Building Impenetrable Fortresses and Great Walls
Feb 08, 2021 Arpit chaturvedi
Golkonda fort is one of the most impregnable forts from a design point of view. Located in Hyderabad in southern India, it was the capital of the Qutb Shahi dynasty in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It was built by the Kakatiya rulers of the Deccan in the twelfth century and has housed the Bahamani kingdom in the fourteenth century as well.
Discussion with H.E. Ambassador Christoph Heusgen
September 10, 2020 Arpit Chaturvedi
Discussion on "Diplomacy, Peacekeeping and Sustainability in the 21st Century” with His Excellency, Ambassador Christoph Heusgen, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations.
Round Table Discussion with H.E. Ms. Louise Blais
September 10, 2020 Arpit Chaturvedi
Discussion on "Diplomacy, Peacebuilding & Sustainability in the 21st Century” with Her Excellency Ms. Louise Blais, Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations
China-Iran Deal: A Checkmate to India
31st July 2020 Wamika Kapur
The 25-year Iran-China comprehensive strategic partnership deal, on investments and military collaboration, is a game-changer for the region. The 18-page leaked document highlights a road plan for cooperation across telecommunication, banking, railway, energy sectors and establishment of trade-free zones. Built on the original 2016 agreement, it will have multifaceted implications on all associated players, especially U.S, Russia and India.
Chinese Belligerence Increases the Number of People Identifying as Taiwanese
21st July 2020 Evan Tsao
National Election Study Center at National Chengchi University released a Taiwanese/Chinese identity survey on July 3, 2020.This survey illustrates the longitudinal identity change in 3 main categories- Taiwanese, Chinese, and both. The result shows 67% of the people on the island identify themselves as exclusively Taiwanese
Interview with Sylvia Mishra on India's Defense Relations with Major Powers in the Post- COVID-19 World
July 13th, 2020 Sylvia Mishra
The India-US relations is a strategic, multi-faceted and multi-sectoral one. It is based on increasing convergence of security goals,a vibrant and growing defense and trade ties, accountability and rule of law, a shared sense of security goals and burden sharing, and a scientific temper focused on innovation.
Peering into the future - Economy, Society and World Politics after COVID-19
June 10, 2020 Neha Dewan
COVID-19 has claimed almost 4 million lives, infecting over 6.5 million individuals across the globe. The pandemic has disrupted economic structures, social relationships, the very nature of the State and inadvertently affected billions of lives across the globe in unsparingly evident or intangible ways.
Coronavirus Signals the Death Knell of the West
Tuesday June 3, 2020 Chris Ogden
The slow and complacent reaction of the West to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic signals its foreseeable decline on the world stage, as well as the confirmation of the Asian 21st Century. With infection rates and deaths mounting daily, the prevalence of coronavirus across the West is quickly out-stripping those of the East Asian countries at the pandemic’s epicentre.
Life Post COVID19: International Cooperation and the Environment
Monday June 1, 2020 Arpit Chaturvedi
Did you know Covid19 and nearly 50% of the diseases in human beings are zoonotic diseases (they come from animals). Did you know that the river Ganga is much cleaner since the lockdown? Do you want to know how the pandemic will change environmental regimes? How will it change the world order?
Virtual Panel Discussion on: The Political Economy of the post- COVID World.
May 22, 2020 Arpit Chaturvedi
In the post COVID era, the world would certainly not remain the same. Whether, governments will redefine governance to enhance public participation or will a more centralised regime take over? Will we see a reversal in the trend of globalisation or whether this would lead to a rise of authoritarian autarchic governments?
Humanity better off with world order without 'Chinese characteristics’
April 20, 2020 ABHINAV PANDYA
A recent study reveals that if Chinese authorities had initiated timely interventions, a week, two weeks or three weeks earlier, the cases would have declined by 66%, 86%, and 95%, respectively.
Global Policy Insights and ANCSSC/BPIA Webinar: Discussion on India & China in a Post COVID-19 World
May 18, 2020 Arpit Chaturvedi
With the emergence of the COVID pandemic, the USA seems likely to pull it’s hands off from its “global police” role and may therefore cause a vacuum. China, in these times, is advancing its foreign policy agenda through this its Mask Diplomacy. On the other hand, India is also on the path of attracting more FDIs (facebook invested in India) and asserting a role of leadership with support from the US. One major contrast between India and China is that China is not appreciating its soft power strategies while India has gained a lot of confidence on that front by sending out HCQ and other medical assistance to many countries like US and even China and Pakistan. The question which the panel brings to the forefront is - will these two global powerhouses power the engine of growth in post-Covid world ?
COVID-19: China’s Soft Power and an East/West Divide
Tuesday 19th May, 2020 Olivia Cheung
China has invested enormous resources in developing “soft power,” which is the ability to influence others through persuasion and charm. The outcomes are mixed at best.
Military Recruitment in the U.S., China, and Russia
Feb 15, 2020 Andrei Hluski
In this paper I will analyze military recruitment in professional all-volunteer army in the U.S. and China and compulsory military service system in Russia.The concept of compulsory military service also known as conscription is not new. It has been used for centuries and still enforced in many countries.
A Comparative Analysis of Key Structures & Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Germany, Turkey, and the United States
Jan 03, 2020 Heather McIntyre
The world is facing an unprecedented trend of human displacement. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that there are 68.5 million forcibly displaced persons worldwide, of whom 25.4 million are refugees and 3.1 million are asylum seekers (UNHCR, 2018).
Analysing the Abrogation of Article 370, kashmir
November 25, 2019 Abhinav Pandya
In this podcast Mr. Abhinav Pandya has put forward his insights on the issue Kashmir through the lens of socio-cultural history of the region. In the same light, he further talks about abrogation of Article 370 and the reasons of it happening now and not in the Modi Government 1.0
Rethinking India’s Strategic Choices for National Security
9 August 2019 Kalvakuntla Kavitha
For any nation, national security is one of its primary agendas and whether they like it or not, the face of national security is changing rapidly around the world. Those who will modernize, will survive. At the frontier of this change are ideas related to artificial intelligence enabled militaries, innovative trade and aid models, and the use of “soft power” through deft diplomatic maneuvering.
Global Policycast: Geopolitics and Economic changes in Ukraine & Eastern Europe, Christina Pushaw (expert on Eastern European Affairs) in conversation with Arpit Chaturvedi (CEO, Global Policy Insights)
21 June 2019 Arpit Chaturvedi
An American political analyst who specializes in Eastern Europe. Her commentary has appeared in New Europe, RFE/RL, and other outlets.
Syria in ruins as war enters 9th year
Originally published in Arabnews
31 May 2019 Anan Tello
SYRIA: The Syrian crisis enters its ninth year this month, leaving in its wake a trail of death, destruction, destitution, displacement and division. The war has killed more than 500,000 people, displaced at least 12 million, and left the country’s economy and infrastructure in ruins. Syrian President Bashar Assad said in a speech on Feb. 17: “We have this romantic view sometimes that we are victorious. No, the war is not over.
Lord Howell of Guildford’s key note speech at Global policy insight’s seminar on Post Brexit World: UK and the Commonwealth
Lord Howell of Guildford chairs the House of Lords International Relations Committee and is President of the Royal Commonwealth Society.
March 29, 2019 Lord Howell
I can think of no better focus for the British people, as we step out of full participation in the European Union (though not by any means in Europe) , than to dedicate ourselves to upholding and developing the Commonwealth network –
A Post - Brexit Britain & India Partnership can Unlock the Potential of the Commonwealth
Dr Sachi Patel, PhD in Indian Intellectual History (Oxford University)
Dec 01, 2018 Dr Sachi Patel
Presently the UK is engulfed in debates concerning Brexit, as Britain negotiates her departure from the EU, during this uncertain period, the Commonwealth has often been retrieved from the forgotten past to provide light and hope amidst the doom and gloom surrounding a post-Brexit Britain.
Lessons from the Great War : Inevitability versus Institutions
Arpit Chaturvedi is Chief Executive Officer at Global Policy Insights.
27 Nov 2018 Arpit Chaturvedi
A hundred years have passed since the Great War ended with the Armistice that was signed on "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" in 1918. Reflections on this centenary can be approached through various perspectives. One can ponder on the undeniable profundity of the event and the fact that how peace is so vital for human sustenance, also how war ends in inevitable human suffering no matter who the victor is.
UK-India Trade Relations: The Long Road Ahead
Virendra Sharma is a Member of Parliament from London, and Chairman of Indo British All Party Parliamentary Group in UK Parliament.
Nov 16, 2018
We are just back from the Parliamentary summer recess when MPs head back to their constituencies and speak to their voters. As an MP for a London seat I head back there every night but for some from much further away it is an amazing opportunity to see their families and to spend more time with the people they represent.