Why India Needs a Comprehensive Biosecurity Framework
Nov 21, 2022 Analysis By Arpit Chaturvedi
India is vulnerable to bio-attacks. Let's face it: if an adversary state or a nonstate terrorist actor were to target India through bio attacks,
Policy alternatives for promoting organ donation in India
Nov 14, 2022
India has one of the lowest organ donation rates in the world. As per the International Registry in Organ Donation and Transplantation (IRODaT),
Shelli Brunswick Panel Interview, Emerging Trends in India
Nov 07, 2022
Join Shelli Brunswick, COO of Space Foundation, as we hear from an international, interdisciplinary panel of experts who share their journeys and observations about the trends taking place in the region.
Fire side chat with Ambassador Véronique Roger Lacan, Permanent Delegate of France to UNESCO
May 18, 2022
Topic: Investing in education in the 21st century
Speaker: H.E. Ms. Veronique Roger-Lacan is the Permanent Delegate of France to UNESCO .
Discussion on "Russia's War in Ukraine Geopolitics, Trade, and Migration"
Apirl 12, 2022 Arpit Chaturvedi
The Russia-Ukraine Crisis is an issue of immense importance as it is changing the face of the earth. In this panel the speakers will discuss the crisis from different perspectives- political, financial, economic and strategic.
Russia-Ukraine Conflict: What does It Mean for India? And What Role Should India Play?
February 15, 2022 Arpit Chaturvedi
What does a Russian attack on Ukraine mean for India? At the outset, a lay observer may be tempted to say – not very much. Geographically, culturally, and economically, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would mean little to India. In an interconnected world, things simply do not work that way.
Sri Lanka needs a National AI strategy – not to rule the world but for inclusive growth
July 23, 2021 Uday Nagaraju
Russian President Vladimir Putin has asserted that future AI leader would rule the world. Whilst the need and possibility to rule the world are debatable, AI can be a game-changer to advance global development goals.
#SpaceWatchGL Opinion: India’s Space Venture: Groundwork for Private Sector
June 15, 2021 Arpit Chaturvedi & Akanksha Marwah
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India’s pillar for space exploration, is one of the top six governmental space agencies in the world. Progress in the space endeavours marked by ISRO has received applauds across the globe,
Political Podcast series: on what the world expects from Europe
June 09, 2021 Moritz Dappen
Political Podcast series: on what world expects from European nations H.E. Rahul Shrivastava, Ambassador of India to Romania, Albania and Moldova in conversation with Moritz Dappen, GPODS Fellow
International Trade And WTO @ 25 Assessing Geo-politics, Economy and trade policy of india in the post COVID-19 world
Feb 18, 2021 Arpit chaturvedi
WTO has recently commemorated its 25th anniversary. In the course of its short history, the WTO has managed to achieve and establish its objectives more than any other International Organization in the world. From establishing interconnectedness between the world countries to developing jurisprudence, the organization played a key role in the development of multilateral relations.
Trade, Investment And Investing in the SDGs
July 23, 2020 Arpit Chaturvedi
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all 193 UN Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is estimated that achieving the SDGs will take between US$5 to $7 trillion with a $2.5 trillion investment gap in developing countries.
Coronavirus and Catastrophe Bonds: The Securitization of Catastrophic Risk in a Time of Pandemic
June 11, 2020 Korey Pasch
The rapid spread of COVID-19 since its initial appearance in Wuhan, China in November of 2019 has witnessed a variety of responses to the virulent disease by numerous governments globally. These responses have ranged from incredibly stringent and effective, such as the decisions of Prime Minister
Peering into the future - Economy, Society amd World Politics after COVID-19
June 10, 2020 Neha Dewan
COVID-19 has claimed almost 4 million lives, infecting over 6.5 million individuals across the globe. The pandemic has disrupted economic structures, social relationships, the very nature of the State and inadvertently affected billions of lives across the globe in unsparingly evident or intangible ways.
Will Seed Bill 2019 deliver the goods?
December 6, 2019 Indra Shekhar Singh
Quality seeds are India’s lifeline. Farming, food and the livelihood of over 60 per cent of the Indian population depend on them. A failed harvest has the potential to curtail our GDP and force millions of Indians into poverty and hunger until the next harvest. Overall, India depends on seeds to sustain life.
Commonwealth In Dialogue: International leader Series
Podcast: Patsy Robertson, Chair Ramphall institute in conversation with Uday Nagaraju, Executive President and Neha Dewan, Fellow & Researcher
about Commonwealth
September 20, 2019 Indra Shekhar Singh
Patsy Robertson was the former Director of Information at the Commonwealth Secretariat where she also served as Spokesperson
The Future of Lagos
August 23, 2019
The Map of Yorubaland (The Future of Lagos) Story of the Lagos We love: “In the beginning, it was usually an act of bravery and adventure for princes and other noble men to go out of Ile-Ife, the cradle of Yorubas, to seek new settlements and establish their own towns.”
A’ famous Yoruba mythology, ‘Ogboju Ode Ni Inu Igbo Irumale’ (Brave Warriors in the Jungle of Demons) by Fagunwa
External Dimensions to the India-US trade talks
Ankit Vatsa Sharma is an Economist at Global Policy Insights and specializes in economic policy, international trade and development economics.
July 26, 2019 Ankit Sharma
In no-hushed words US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar acknowledged deep-seated bilateral trade-issues, most contentious being India’s import tariffs on US manufactured goods and its $24Bn trade surplus. Upping the ante, President Trump ordered withdrawal of India’s GSP
UK-India Trade Relations: The Long Road Ahead
Commonwealth in Dialogue: High Commissioner Series - Malta Commonwealth, Malta, Brexit, European Union
July 19, 2019 Uday Nagaraju
Ambassador Cole is the High Commissioner of Malta to the UK. He previously served as Malta’s ambassador to the United States, Canada, Netherlands and as a non-resident Ambassador to the Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of Denmark. He is Malta’s Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
“ A Review of Indo-Swiss Trade: Strategic Priorities from a Realist Perspective
April 24, 2019 Arpit Chaturvedi
Switzerland was one the very first friends of independent India. The two nations signed their ‘Treaty of Friendship and Establishment’ on August 14 th , 1948 – an year after India’s Independence from the British rule, as they swore “perpetual peace and unalterable friendship” and also conferred the status of “most favored foreign nation” on each other
Global Policycast: Ex-Minister of Youth, Paraguay- Magali Caceres interviewed by Arpit Chaturvedi, C.E.O Global Policy Insights.
April 19, 2019 Arpit Chaturvedi
Magali Cáceres, proudly born in Asuncion, Paraguay, graduated from George Washington University earning a B.A. in International Affairs and Political Science and is now a candidate of a Masters in Social Entrepreneurship at American University.
Commonwealth Series: CPA Secretary-General Akbar Khan interviewed by Uday Nagaraju, Executive President Global Policy Insights & Divya Pamulaparthy
Mr. Akbar Khan was appointed by the 61st General Assembly of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) in October 2015
April 12, 2019 Uday Nagaraju
Akbar Khan speaks about promoting parliamentary strengthening and inclusive democracy in Commonwealth Parliaments.
“Geopolitical Change and Risk in Venezuela”: Jose Chalhoub interviewed by Arpit Chaturvedi, CEO Global Policy Insights
Jose Chalhoub Political Risks and Oil Consultant Venezuela
April 04, 2019 Arpit Chaturvedi
Venezuela is an oil-rich country and it was doing pretty well at one point in history. Can you trace the trajectory of the rise and decline of Venezuela and the role of oil production behind this?
UK-India Trade Relations: The Long Road Ahead
Virendra Sharma is a Member of Parliament from London, and Chairman of Indo British All Party Parliamentary Group in UK Parliament
Nov 16, 2018 Virendra Sharma
We are just back from the Parliamentary summer recess when MPs head back to their constituencies and speak to their voters. As an MP for a London seat I head back there every night but for some from much further away it is an amazing opportunity to see their families and to spend more time with the people they represent.