SGGP 4.0: The Global Policy, Diplomacy, and Sustainability (GPODS) Fellowship
GPODS is a 3-month online program for public policy practitioners, business professionals, energy and climate change experts, entrepreneurs, academicians, scholars, and strategic analysts to act as a launchpad for their careers. We are conducting this program in partnership with Global Policy Insights (a centrist policy research think tank with operations in New Delhi, London, and New York), EnviPol (an environmental consulting firm), Association of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation (Part of United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Our first cohort of Fellows (Oct-Dec 2020) came from countries like the US, Sweden, Germany, the UK, Nigeria, and India. They were early to mid-career professionals as well as students from universities and institutions like Harvard University, Oxford University, University College London, Delhi University, Indian Airforce, Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India) etc.
The idea behind GPODS is also to support upcoming policymakers in their professional careers by giving them the right exposure, experience, and training through the best professionals across the world and making these resources more accessible to people in these tough times.
Some of our other mentors in the first cohort were the following:
- Justice Luc Lavrysen, Judge, Constitutional Court of Belgium; Chair, European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment.
- Justice Michael Wilson, Judge, Supreme Court of Hawaii
- Brennan Van Dyke, Chief, Capacity Development and Innovation Branch, Science Division, UN Environment Programme.
- Benedikt Franke, CEO, Munich Security Conference.
- Dan Lamb, Faculty, Cornell University.
- Oniel Cross, Principal, Deloitte Federal, USA.
- Magali Caceres, Former Minister of Youth, Paraguay.
- Satya S. Tripathi, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Head of New York Office at UN Environment.
- Henrik Syse, Vice-Chair, Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee
- Jan Helge Kalvik, Editor-in-Chief - Defence and Intelligence, Norway.
- Victor Cummings, Former Minister of State for Agriculture and Lands, Jamaica.
- Irum Ahsan, Advisor - Office of the Compliance Review Panel, Asian Development Bank.
We have also hosted a few currently serving diplomats at the GPODS Fellowship such as Ambassador Christopher Heusgen – the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations, Amb. Luis Blais, Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, and Amb. Claudio Ansorena, Ambassador of Costa Rica to India.
GPODS Second Cohort:
To apply, visit: www.gpods.org)
Our Applications for the GPODS Second Cohort are open now! Our Fellowship will run from February 7 to April 30, 2021.
Early Bird Application date:
3rd Jan 2021
Late Application date:
17th Jan 2021
GPODS is made for students and professionals who are at a Watershed Threshold in their academic or professional lives. The Watershed Threshold would signify a significant moment at which the professional would seek to transit into bigger roles in her/his career or scholarly pursuits. This would mean an effort which is catalyzed by GPODS, to delve deeper into areas of their respective interests or expertise by dedicating time and energy towards multi-disciplinary learning to hone their skills - all while developing an intra and inter-peer network of global leaders.
- May work full time or part-time, but must commit to completing the 3-month program, starting from February 2021 till end April 2021.
- Be open to working in or studying sectors outside their comfort zone.
- Basic knowledge of English language is required.
- An important thing to note is that what we value in our Global Fellows is their passion to bring about a positive change globally, and not their age, nationality, gender, or background.
Also, please feel free to reach out to us directly at arpit@globalpolicyinsights.org or write to us at info@gpods.org.