Louisa Wall - Marriage Equality in New Zealand
August 2, 2019
On 29 August 2012 Aotearoa, New Zealand began its journey to realize marriage equality in the first reading of my Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was a simple amendment - defining marriage as between two people regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The Bill focused on the rights of consenting adults, underpinned by principles of love, fairness, and equality of outcome for all New Zealand citizens
Global Policycast: Ex-Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands- Victor Cummings interviewed by Arpit Chaturvedi, C.E.O Global Policy Insights.
May 10, 2019
Content: Victor Cummings has extensive work experience in a variety of fields. These include Government Affairs and Public Policy Analysis and Implementation. Extensive Management Consulting, Change Management & Leadership Development Experience.Lecturer in Law and Urban & Regional Planning.
Global Policycast: Ex-Minister of Youth, Paraguay- Magali Caceres interviewed by Arpit Chaturvedi, C.E.O Global Policy Insights.
April 19, 2019
Magali Cáceres, proudly born in Asuncion, Paraguay, graduated from George Washington University earning a B.A. in International Affairs and Political Science and is now a candidate of a Masters in Social Entrepreneurship at American University.
Commonwealth Series: CPA Secretary-General Akbar Khan interviewed by Uday Nagaraju, Executive President Global Policy Insights & Divya Pamulaparthy
Mr. Akbar Khan was appointed by the 61st General Assembly of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) in October 2015
April 12, 2019
Akbar Khan speaks about promoting parliamentary strengthening and inclusive democracy in Commonwealth Parliaments.
The Perils of Decentralization and other Buzzwords in Governance and Policymaking
Arpit Chaturvedi is a Lecturer at the San Francisco State University where he teaches Comparative Perspectives in Public Service.
March 12, 2018
Decentralization in governance is a buzzword that caught momentum during the 1980s in form of “market-based decentralization”. Like any buzzword, it has been applied often mindlessly, without paying much heed to the concept as well as the context.